Fairs and congresses


Cevisama is established as a reference fair in Spain for the bathroom equipment sector. In its next edition, together with the best and widest offering of the ceramics and related industry, the fair will have virtually all the leading companies in the bathroom sector, which return to Cevisama to show their novelties and to take advantage of the opportunities that Cevisama as an internationalization platform. This is the case of emblematic brands such as Profiltek or Royo Group, but also of others as outstanding as Nuovvo, Torbath, Mogar/Mibaño or Baños 10, to name a few examples.

frames-soria-4598In addition, Cevisama is positioned as a reference for healthcare companies, with the presence of companies such as Tucal, Disflex, Flexitub, Estoli, Reboca, Mediclinics, Solfless or JLH, among many others. It is a sector that complements the offer of other sectors already consolidated in Cevisama such as tiles and bricks, gripping materials and tooling for screeds and tiling. It is also a further focus of attraction for the prescriptive channel linked to rehabilitation and reform, a segment that is pulling national demand and is expected to be thriving in the coming years.

Cevisama will have two bathroom galleries this year, one of them formed almost entirely by companies of healthcare tecevisama241101chnology. Overall, the weight of the bathroom equipment sector will grow in 2017, an edition that is expected to be record-breaking. The event will take place from 20 to 24 February in Feria Valencia, also coinciding with other related rooms such as Espacio Cocina-SICI -furniture and kitchen equipment- or Promat -specialized in materials, technology and solutions for interior design-. All this joint offer, with ceramics as a cornerstone, aspires to bring together all professionals working on any type of construction, interior design, reform or contract project. In fact, the call is already sparking a great deal of interest among these groups.